Selling quality funnel chocolate

Selling quality funnel chocolate in 3 types of bulk 1500 g carton and 350 g box known as garnet as well as 20 pieces that make up 200 g monochrome boxes to all countries of the world with the best loading methods and the fastest possible time Done.

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Specifications of funnel chocolate

Selling funnel chocolate

In order to introduce the best funnel chocolates that have been considered by many countries in the world, we provide very good explanations.

  • 1500 g bulk cartons called Rainbow Mixed Mini Cone  مخروط صغیر بجمیع النکهات قوس قزح
    ( Coconut, Sohan, Peanut, Almond, Hazelnut, Mint, Coffee, Popping Candy )
  • Garnet Mixed Mini Cone 350 g مخروط صغیر بجمیع النکهات العقیق
  • Wafer Mini Cone With Cocoa  ( 200 g )الخبز مع المنتجات الکاکاو

The best price of funnel chocolate

The best price of funnel chocolate

Funnel chocolate with the best price in 2021 will be offered in this commercial and production complex, however, due to the price fluctuations of global currencies, this product will be sold to customers at the best price in different volumes.

Trade in chocolates

Trade in chocolates

Trade in chocolates

In this center, chocolate along with all kinds of funnel chocolates, other quality chocolates such as chocolate sauce,  choco spread, dark and white coin chocolate, cocoa powder, 1 kg bar chocolate, 3 kg bar chocolate, cake coating chocolate and Sweets, chocolate cakes and pastries, Tarkar whipping cream, momtaz whipping cream, ice cream powder, katella, panna cotta dessert, pudding (saffron, chocolate and banana) and 10 other products are available.
In order to find out the best prices and more information about matte products, it is better to contact our collection through communication channels on the site.
Given the type and quality of our products, it is essential that the global buyers we have had so far have been very satisfied with the quality of the purchase, and we assure you that if you are added to the group of buyers of our products, you will be important. You will talk about quality and price in the future.


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